Children's Books

Sunday, January 29, 2017


"Edcamps are organic, participant-driven professional learning experiences for educators across the country and worldwide!"

I'm really a newbie in the world of Edcamp. I attended my first Edcamp last February at EdcampSTL, and I was hooked! I've attended several more Edcamps, and I helped plan the first Edcamp sponsored by our district.

Here are a few reasons #WhyIEdcamp:
  1. Learning-  The heart of Edcamp is professional learning. Education is constantly changing and improving. Edcamps are opportunities to learn from other educators. I've learned about flexible seating, moderating Twitter chats, Makerspace, and BreakoutEDU just to name a few from Edcamp sessions.
  2. Choice-
    • Self-directed-Edcamp participants create the topic sessions that are discussed. Participants also choose the sessions they want to attend. These decisions are not made by district administrators, professional development committees, state, or others. Edcamp sessions are created to meet the needs of the campers in attendance.
    • Opportunities for curiosity- When I attend Edcamp I choose sessions for several reasons. Sometimes I choose topics for areas that I need more help with. Sometimes I choose sessions for new topics that I am curious about. Other times I just want to explore. 
  3. People- The people who attend Edcamps want to learn and share. They have energy that is contagious and invigorating. They are in attendance to learn. Edcampers are the forward thinkers who are willing to give up time on their weekends or summer in order to share and learn. These are the kind of people you want to connect with. 
You want to sign up for Edcamp..don't you?

  1. Find a date and location of an Edcamp nearby. Check out to find an Edcamp near you.
  2. Sign up to attend. Put it on your calendar and make it happen.
  3. Invite a friend to go with you.
  4. Attend and make connections while you are there. 
I'll be attending #EdCampSTL on Feb. 11th. I'd love to see you there.

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