Children's Books

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Tripwires- When are you on autopilot?

Do you ever feel like you are on autopilot? I do. Mostly in the mornings when I am sleepily trying to get my day started. This caused the problem of having a growing pile of clothes sitting on the floor. So I made a little note to myself and stuck it on my bathroom mirror to remember not to leave my clothes on the floor. (You can check it out in the picture.) Surprisingly enough, this little note has helped change this bad habit. This note acts as a tripwire to help remind me about the behavior I want to change. This note hasn't helped me remember to drink more water. 

When am I on autopilot when I'm working with readers?
     *While conferring with readers I can find myself getting engrossed in the story.
     *I also am thinking about how assist the student in word solving.

What tripwires can I use to get off of autopilot?

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